Contract Manufacturing and Contract Packaging

At Graphic Packaging, we understand the unique needs of co-manufacturers and co-packers and are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that deliver operational efficiency, quality, and innovation.

Our innovative packaging designs and reliable supply chain management ensure that your customers’ products stand out on the shelf and reach consumers in perfect condition.

Partner with us to experience the difference that expertise and commitment can make in your co-packing operations.

Making Your Customers’ Innovation Ambitions a Reality

Built on our broad engineering capabilities, commitment on product quality, and expertise in designing for circularity, together we make your customers’ innovation ambitions a reality.

Our partnerships with manufacturing customers, like contract manufacturers, contract packers, and distributors, make the difference in speed to market, ease of execution, and competitive advantage.

Speed to Market
Ease of Execution
Competitive Advantage

Serving Diverse Markets and Providing Customer-Centric Solutions

Our innovative consumer packaging solutions are here to help you to get your customers’ new products on the shelf, while also reducing or replacing plastic for both primary and secondary applications across a multitude of applications.

Whether you’re manufacturing for the food, beverage, pet care, healthcare, or any other market, our versatile portfolio will help you meet your—and your customers’ — need for innovation, operational efficiency, and quality while championing a more circular packaging portfolio.


Discover Our Solutions

Multipacks for Beverage

Our beverage multipack cartons are designed to accommodate a range of primary pack types, from cans to plastic and glass bottles. They deliver impact on the retail shelf, drive consumer preference, and improve functionality at every touch point.

Multipacks for Food and Pet Food

We offer multipack cartons for cans, and glass and plastic jars and bottles in a wide range of formats. The range includes minimal material, glue-free clips to fully enclosed cartons for larger pack weights.

Integrated Machinery Solutions for Multipacks

Our machinery systems are designed to help maximize your efficiency and are built with your needs in mind. Die Maschinen decken ein komplettes Anwendungs- und Geschwindigkeitsspektrum für alle Verpackungsanforderungen ab.


Der Markt für Tiefkühlkost zeichnet sich durch eine breite Palette von Produkten aus, darunter Fertiggerichte, Eiscreme, verarbeitetes Fleisch und Tiefkühlobst und -gemüse, was der wachsenden Nachfrage nach praktischen und schnell zuzubereitenden Speisen entspricht.

Unser Verpackungsportfolio für Tiefkühlkost deckt eine Vielzahl von Formaten ab, darunter Kartons, Schalen, Beutel und Spezialmaterialien für effektives Mikrowellen- und Ofengaren.


Our bakery packaging includes a whole host of formats for donuts, cookies, pies, celebration cakes, and more. We offer a range of standard sizes that can be plain or printed, in clean white or natural kraft. The designs take minimal space in a store or warehouse and can be quickly filled through automation.


Verpackungen spielen im Gesundheitssektor eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gewährleistung der Integrität, Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Arzneimitteln, Medizinprodukten und anderen Gesundheitsprodukten während des gesamten Lebenszyklus, von der Herstellung und dem Vertrieb bis zum Endverbraucher.

Explore primary and secondary paperboard packaging solutions for the healthcare industry, including medical devices and pharmaceuticals, to ensure patient safety along the supply chain.


From mainstream skin care and hair care applications to designer cosmetics and luxury fragrances, we deliver a solution that is functional and beautiful while being optimized for recyclability.

Wir liefern reale Ergebnisse

Hear what the team at Seattle-based coffee co-manufacturer Joe’s Garage have to say about their relationship with us.


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